What is email white-labelling?
Email white-labeling involves customizing email communications to align with your brand's identity. This feature enables branded email communications, allowing the emails sent from the Heartbeat platform to appear as if they are coming directly from your organization rather than from Heartbeat. This ensures a consistent brand experience for your community members.
The following emails can be white-labeled for your community:
Notification emails
Weekly digests
Community invites
How to set up a custom email domain?
Email Domain Settings allows you to choose a custom domain for your community emails. By default, community emails sent to members are from the Heartbeat domain.
To change this, go to Settings > Email Settings and follow the instructions below. This quick process will customize your community emails to your branding in no time!
Email domain settings are available to communities on Growth or Business plans.
Visit our pricing page or go to Settings > Billing in your community to learn more about other plans for your community.
Step 1: Choose Domain
Input the custom domain you want your emails to send from in step 1. Click Confirm to move to the next step.
Step 2: Update your DNS
Once your custom domain is confirmed, you'll need to create two DNS records to verify that you own the domain that you're sending from. To do this, go to your domain host DNS manager and add the following records (your host name and value will be unique to your custom domain):
If you're having trouble adding records to your DNS manager, find your provider below for a helpful guide on adding new records:
If you are still experiencing issues adding records to your DNS manager, contact their support team for further assistance.
Step 3: Verify DNS records
Once your records are added to your DNS manager, come back to Heartbeat and click 'verify' for each record. Once both records are verified, you will be moved on to the final step to configure your 'from' email.
If your records do not verify immediately, you may need to refresh your page or wait some time. DNS server changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate.
Step 4: Configure your 'from' email and name
Now that you've connected and verified your custom email domain, you can choose a custom 'from' email and name to appear on community emails. Once you've decided on a name, click Save. By default, Heartbeat will use hello@customdomain.com as your from email.
Step 5: Customize Emails
After you set up your custom email domain, you can customize parts of your Weekly Digest and New Member Invitation emails.
Weekly Digest Customization
Add blurb at the top of your weekly digest. Any blurb you add will only ever be sent once. The blurb section will be blank if you don't update your blurb on a given week. Once you add your blurb, preview with the 'Preview' button and click Save Changes.
Be sure to input a contact email, and we'll send a reminder email the day before your weekly digest is sent, prompting you to update your blurb.
Invite Email
Change the header and body of your invitation emails that go out to members when you send invites via Settings > Invitations.