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Set up a publish schedule for lessons and assignments
Set up a publish schedule for lessons and assignments
Updated over 10 months ago

This guide will help you build a publishing schedule for the lessons and assignments in your course. To get started, make sure you've already created your course lessons.

In this guide

Schedule publish lessons

As a course creator, you have the ability to schedule when your lessons will be published. This allows you to plan ahead and ensure that your students receive new content at the right time.

You can schedule a lesson to be published on a specific calendar date. This means that your students will not be able to access the lesson until that date comes. This is a great option if you want to release new content on a specific day, such as the first of the month or every Monday.

When you schedule a lesson by calendar date, you also have the option to send push notifications and email notifications to your students. These settings are shared for all drip & scheduled publish lessons in this course.

Turn on lesson notifications so your students are notified when new content is available. This will help keep them engaged and excited about your course.

Drip publish lessons when a member starts the course

Another option for scheduling lesson publish dates is by when someone joins the course. You can set a drip schedule for your lessons to publish a number of days after the member enrolls (member enrollment means a member clicks Start course).

Drip lessons are released X days after enrolling at the same time of day the student enrolled to maximize completions.

How unpublished content looks to members

If a lesson has not yet been published, students will only see the title of the lesson and a clock icon. This lets them know that the lesson is not yet available, but will be at the scheduled publish date. This is a helpful way to keep your students informed and excited about upcoming content.

Allow members to preview a paid course with free lessons

If your course is paid, you have the option of setting lessons as free. This gives non-paying members an opportunity to experience course content before making their purchase. πŸŽ“ Learn how to make your course paid

Set 2-3 lessons as "free teasers" to increase purchase rates for your course.

Next Step: Preview your course as a member

Move to the next step in building your course on Heartbeat:

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